Cosmetic Dentistry

What we do

Contact Us

13 Fisherman Drive
Brampton, ON L7A 2X9

(905) 495-8597

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is the science behind improving the colour, shape, size, position, and/ or alignment of the front teeth and gums.

Based on your present clinical appearance and on what you would like to accomplish, our dentists may use multiple approaches:

  • Composite Bonding
  • Composite Veneers
  • Ceramic Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Bridges

What should you expect? Small, simple fixes can be accomplished within a single appointment. However, for more complex treatment involving one or multiple teeth the process could need a few weeks to complete. Our dentists may work with photographs and a model to create a mock up of the changes, so you can get a better idea of what the final will look like.  Check out our Gallery of before and after treatments.

Looking for Cosmetic Dentistry services in Brampton. Book a consultation with us and see what we can help you.